Trust God: The World is Changing

Our world is always evolving. This year is simply more evidence of that fact. We are painfully aware of it in politics, the amount and type of criminal activity, social matters and the effects of global warming that is impacting our planet. Not to mention things that are happening in our own backyard: personal relationships, work, health and whatever else you may be dealing with on a personal level. All of these factors can cause one to become anxious or even depressed at times. But, be not dismayed. The bright side is that there are some scientifically proven steps that can improve your outlook and your health. I challenge you to start practicing these simple steps immediately.

1. Be Optimistic

How important is Optimism? Do you believe that research can document that optimistic people have a lower chance of dying from heart attacks than non-optimist? And, they take better care of their bodies by having a healthier diet? According to a study from the Boston University School of Medicine (BUSM)/Dr. Lewina Lee, optimists are more resilient and bounce back from stressors more easily. Let us be clear, being an optimist does not mean you ignore problems. It would be counter-intuitive to ignore them because as we all know, life happens. And although unpleasant situations arise, we must be willing to address them. However, it is within your control to make a conscious decision to 1) gather the facts 2) remain hopeful 3) and, look for ways to create a positive outcome. Remember, every challenge we face is an opportunity to learn and grow. And let me remind you, do not be ashamed to ask for help when you have done your due diligence. Some problems will require the expertise and support of others. Who are people within your social circle who care about you and can be a resource for you? One of my favorite scriptures is a good reminder that attitude is important to our well-being. Phillippians 4:8 says, Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honest, whatever is just, whatever is pure whatever is lovely, whatever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things. Simply put, be optimistic when evaluating your situation.

2. Be grateful

Having a grateful appreciation and being thankful for what you have is another way to improve your outlook on life an improving your sense of well-being. An easy way to practice thankfulness is to keep a daily journal. Start recording the positive experiences you have had each day both large and small in a journal or diary. Some experts suggest you do this at the end of the day before going to bed. We have a reminder in 1 Thessalonians 5:18 to give thanks and all circumstances. Yes, it is saying be grateful.

3. Stay Connected

During difficult times, some people recoil and pull away from people who love them. Many have their own reasons. Some may feel they are unready to share the details of their situation or they may even feel that they do not want to burden another with their problem. In challenging times, it is beneficial to stay connected to and build on your relationships. Please note: this is not to say you must share intimate details if you are uncomfortable doing so. However, when we are emotionally exhausted the support from family and friends is uplifting and will result in a happier you.