Tip #1 How to Replace Damaging Self-Images

Do you struggle with your true value? Too often, what others say about us or to us negatively impacts how we think about ourselves. You know, negative comments like, "You are so stupid," "You are so ugly," or even worse. A word like that can tear away your confidence and self-worth. Particularly when you are at a low point in your life, words like those will resound loudly in your mind. It's times like that that you must remind yourself of God's word. Let His word affirm the truth about you are, your true value and worth in Jesus Christ. In His infinite wisdom, God created each of us for a divine purpose. And, who knows better than the creator, our weakness. Because He knows our every flaw, He has made provisions to build us up and to strengthen us. How? He has provided a way through the scriptures. When we memorize and meditate on the Holy Scriptures and allow them to become a part of our daily thinking, it replaces the flawed negative views we may have. It overrides our way of thinking and helps us see ourselves through the eyes of God rather than what man has said. In other words, it renews our minds.

Another tip will be posted soon. Blessings!