Pregnant with Promise

Are there times when you are uncomfortable where you are (spiritually, emotionally, relationally or financially)? Maybe you are just a little off-kilter, or you may be distressed? Could this be God’s way of stirring you to do more, become greater, and show others the way? You are not alone. 

The theme for this year’s MOWC Unapologetically Me Retreat is: “PREGNANT with PROMISE.” Dare to acknowledge that you are pregnant with promise and commit to helping others realize that they, too, have promise. When you fail to use your gifts or turn back before they mature, you are aborting a promise. Please, no abortions of the promise. I love this quote by the late Myles Monroe, ” don’t die old, die empty.” Value what you have been given. Nurture it, and watch it GROW! Then use it for HIS Glory.

The Moving On With Coaching (MOWC) “Unapologetically Me Retreat” is about empowering women and fostering strong communities. It’s about women embracing their uniqueness and being unafraid to celebrate another’s gift.  It is building a community that genuinely encourages and supports others as they walk towards their God ordained destiny.

The new year is right around the corner. Let’s get excited about who God has created us to be and confidently walk into 2017 with renewed expectations of good. Mark your calendar for the MOWC Retreat on April 21-23, 2017. You can register @ Don’t miss Coach Billie C, LaTricia Smith and me for an unforgettable weekend celebrating the undeniable greatness in YOU!!!

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