MOWC Retreat Empowers Women

I went to bed with the MOWC Retreat on my mind and woke up Sunday morning with a song in my heart. Regrettably, I didn’t know all of the words but nontheless I was singing. Has this ever happened to you? Perhaps, you have heard this song by Travis Greene, “Made A Way.”  Well, I could not seem to shake that song. As usual, for a Sunday, I went to church. And to my amazement, what did the Youth Choir sing? Yes, you guessed it! They sang that very song and was AMAZING!  No doubt God reminding me to be at peace knowing that He had already MADE A WAY!!?

We will have our struggles or may be at crossroads at times. Be that as it may, we should always acknowledge Him for what He has already done and be confident that He is capable of doing even greater. What an assurance it is to know that He will  take us through all of our trials.  Then, we must remember to intentionally place our trust in Him? We can look at past hurdles that we have overcome and know that it was not by our power or strength that we made it. Yes, it was only by the Amazing GRACE of God that we made it. At any rate, this song really blessed me and is a true testimony of how God provides.

I have scheduled a Moving On With Coaching Women’s (MOWC) Retreat in April and I am trusting and depending on God for its success. As a matter of fact, the MOWC Retreat will be at the Ocean Creek Resort at Myrtle Beach, South Carolina on April 21-23, 2017. I know that God will make a way but ultimately He expects us to do our part.  I was grateful for God using the children to sing that song.  At the same time, I know that if I had stayed home, I would have missed that wonderful confirmation.


Dr. Jacqueline Howard hosts MOWC’ s Empowerment Retreat at Ocean Creek Resorts located at Myrtle Beach, SC on April 21-23, 2017.  Join us, good people, good food and fun and leave inspired and rejuvenated”

I am on a God inspired assignment to provide women with opportunities for spiritual rejuvenation, inspiration and practical strategies for life and relationships. Come join us as we relax, release and be restored. By and large, this will be your needed weekend of rest and resetting. It is a fact that women carry a tremendous amount of responsibility on their shoulders.  Therefore, they can easily be overwhelmed by the unending expectations of others. Moreover, the average woman plays many roles inside and outside of the home.  Her normal workday may regularly exceed 8 hours. As a wife, mom, career woman, meal planner, cook, childcare provider, housekeeper, family physician, event planner, and the list goes on. Meanwhile, what happens when you have so many obligations? In my opinion, it becomes easy to loose site of who you are, what you want to do and where you are going. When you become so focused on the well-being of others that you fail to take care of yourself, that is a concern.

What happens when you neglect your own needs? You become less effective in doing the very things you thought were so important and you end up emotionally drained. Unfortunately, this often leads to undue stress and depression and personal relationships will suffer. I have a solution for you. Make the decision today to come to the MOWC 2017 Retreat. Enjoyable sessions are planned that will address areas of concerns specific to women. This year’s theme is Pregnant With Promise and we will discuss the importance of self-awareness.

  • Are you being your true self? If not, why?

  • What does God say about you? Are you living in alignment with that?

  • Do you know that you have already been impregnated with gifts and talents from God? What are they? Are you neglecting them?

  • Do you know how to stir up your gift/s? Are those in your circle contributing to your growth?

It is time to learn the importance of receiving encouragement when needed and giving support to others whenever possible through this birthing process. Of course, you will be given tips and strategies by Coach Billie Crutcher which will help you bring balance into your life. In addition, you will learn about the Happiness Matrix and how to begin applying those principles immediately. Not to mention that we will also have LaTricia Smith, who will share the value of building and maintaining authentic relationships in her session Heart 2 Heart.

Join us and experience a life changing retreat.  Register today: more information visit: or visit Facebook Moving On With Coaching.

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