3 Ways to Break Through Limitations

All of us can say that we have had instances in our lives when we struggled with self-confidence. Regardless of your age, job title or social position. We are not immune. This lack of confidence may present in many different forms. Children may sit alone, unwilling to venture out and play with others because they feel they will be rejected; professional adults may be hesitant to share their ideas with upper management because of that same fear of rejection. In both scenarios, they fail to act based on a lack of confidence. Self-imposed limitations can be seen as a way of protecting oneself. How can that be? It’s simple; no one likes the pain of rejection. Therefore, if I eliminate the possibility of rejection, I won’t feel it. True enough, but on the other hand, the joys and rewards of moving ahead are eliminated.  

Can you identify the signs of someone in need of a breakthrough?  

1) A person who often speaks negatively about themselves or others.  

2) Someone who usually blames others for not accepting their ideas. 

This negative thought pattern is an unproductive state of mind. A successful mind is needed as it allows you to be positive, self-affirming, and solution-oriented. A successful mind asks, what can I do to improve my situation? How can I affect a positive change?

Since we know we do not possess the power to change people, we must FOCUS on changing ourselves to become the best version of ourselves. Change begins with self-awareness, and self-awareness provides clarity as you create the action steps.  

Now with that being said, “What is Holding You Back?” Can you identify any brick walls in your personal life or career? What is your plan of action? Are you committed to the process of changing even when it becomes uncomfortable? Below are three strategies that can cause a breakthrough.

1) Increased Self-Awareness. Take an honest look at yourself, your natural tendencies, emotional triggers, and what fears cause you to play it safe. When you identify these, it empowers you, and you can choose to change them. For example, if you are afraid to speak at meetings, be prepared with pertinent information and intentionally make it a point to speak at the meeting. Over time, this will become less daunting. And in the process, you will be recognized for sharing relevant information.

2) Be Positive and Eliminate Negative Self-Talk. Too often, we accept the failure of others and fail to show ourselves the same grace. We will forgive them and constantly beat ourselves up over past failures. Life happens; we’ll all make mistakes, be gracious to ourselves, learn from them and move on. Negative words are powerful and shape our thoughts and actions. If you frequently say negative words about yourself, it is time to make a change. Commit to making a mental shift and begin using positive words. For example, instead of saying, “nobody wants to hear what I have to say, reframe it and say, “they will want to hear this information because it will help them” Positivity creates the needed energy to move you forward.  

3) Create a Plan for Small, Manageable Steps and Celebrate Each Accomplishment Along the Way! Create S.M.A.R.T. Goals using this acronym.

Specific- What will be accomplished? What actions will you take?

Measurable- What data will measure the goal? (How much? How well?

Achievable- Is what you want to do doable with your resources and skills? 

Relevant- How does the goal align with broader goals? Why is the result important? 

Time-Bound- What is the time frame for accomplishing the goal? 

Remember: when you commit to the process and break larger tasks into small doable projects., it increases your confidence. When your confidence is high, you are more likely to move forward to the next task and achieve it. Start with self-awareness and SOAR! I believe in you!!!3 Ways to break Through