Keep The Faith!

We are living n a time when we must ask ourselves this question? How strong is your faith? Faith is more than merely a hope that something good will happen. It is more than an idea or wish. It is the undeniable trust in something or someone. Your faith may appear illogical to others, but this is when you must know what is in your heart. The expression of hope transcends our conscious mind and pierces the heart. You must have confidence enough to hold on and nurture your faith. Life does not come with guarantees. There are many variables and many disappointments along the way. And, having faith does not guarantee that things will work out, but it does mean that you will continue to believe and hope for better days ahead. Jeremiah 29:11 reminds us that we do not know the plans God has for us, plans of prosperity, peace, and not evil. This scripture gives us hope, and believers put their confidence in that hope. Now, like never before, we are called on to have faith.

Our future and peace of mind are fueled by the hope that all men have the potential of doing right. Although history and even current events point us to a world of brutality and injustice, we must ask ourselves this question: How strong is your faith? Do you believe that people (all nations) can change for the good? God’s greatest command was that we love. I have faith that the believer’s of Christ can affect a positive change in this world. Let’s KEEP THE FAITH!

Faith Moves You Forward

Faith Moves You Forward